Terms and Conditions

The content of this website is the property of Restaurante Família Cima, Lda - hereinafter referred to as CIMAS restaurant - and is made available with the aim of providing general information about CIMAS restaurant.

The information on this website is merely indicative and non-contractual, and is not binding. In addition, all the content presented here may be adjusted/changed as deemed appropriate and at the time deemed appropriate.

The CIMAS restaurant excludes its liability for any damage that may occur in connection with the information contained on this website. The purpose of this website is to provide information and the permanent updating of its content is not guaranteed. CIMAS authorises the downloading and temporary storage of the content of this website for viewing purposes only. Reproduction, permanent storage or retransmission of the content of this website is expressly prohibited without the prior written authorisation of the CIMAS restaurant.

All rights (in particular with regard to intellectual property rights) relating to this website are the exclusive property of CIMAS restaurant.

By using this website, the collection and use of your information is carried out under the terms and conditions set out in the Cookies Policy, as well as in the Privacy Policy (thus giving your agreement to both). We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of use of this website (including the Privacy Policy or the Cookies Policy) at any time. Such changes will be published on this website.